Dr. Michelle Drouin (Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford) is the owner and founder of Forensic Psychology Consultants LLC, Professor and Director of the Sexuality and Relationships Lab at Purdue University Fort Wayne, and Senior Research Scientist at Parkview Health’s Mirro Center for Research and Innovation. Dr. Drouin is a world-renowned expert in the areas of intimate relationships and sexuality. Her published research spans two decades and includes studies on the intersection between sexuality and technology, Internet based sex offending, intimate partner violence, and issues related to sexual consent (including alcohol and consent). Dr. Drouin’s areas of professional interest include sexual assault, domestic/intimate partner violence, Internet-based sex offending (including TCAP cases and child pornography), and other issues related to sex, including adultery and BDSM incidents and relationships.

Dr. Dennis Reidy (Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Georgia) is a Professor and Director of Community Outreach & Engagement for the Center for Research on Interpersonal Violence at Georgia State University. His clinical background involves extensive training in neuropsychological and forensic assessment and diagnosis. Over nearly two decades, his cutting-edge research has investigated the individual and societal factors linked to the etiology and prevention of violence and its associated adverse health outcomes including substance use, mental health, and sexual risk behavior. Dr. Reidy worked for eight years as a behavioral scientist in the Division of Violence Prevention at the Center for Disease Control & Prevention where he was a formally designated subject matter expert in intimate partner violence and teen dating violence. Dr. Reidy is an internationally recognized expert in the areas of psychopathy, masculinity, intimate partner violence, teen dating violence, sexual violence, violence against sexual and gender minorities, youth violence, child maltreatment, substance use, risky sexual behavior, and mental health. Dr. Reidy’s areas of professional interest include simple and aggravated assault, intimate partner violence, sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence, and substance use.

Dr. Tara Cornelius (Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Western Michigan University) is a Professor and the Director of the Intimate Partner Violence lab at Grand Valley State University. Dr. Cornelius has published extensively on the role of emotion regulation and substance use in the manifestation of intimate partner violence. Her work has explored both factors that contribute to perpetration, as well as identifying prevention strategies to reduce intimate partner violence. She has also recently expanded her work to examine coercion and intimate partner aggression that occurs online, including cyber dating abuse. She has also worked extensively on cases involving Title IX violations, particularly cases involving intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and the role of substance use in victimization and perpetration. Over the course of her 20 year career, Dr. Cornelius has established herself as an expert in intimate partner violence, sexual aggression, and the intersection of substance use in these behaviors. Dr. Cornelius’s areas of professional interest include intimate partner violence, sexual assault, computer-mediated intimate partner relationship aggression, and the intersection of these behaviors with substance use.

Dr. Shaun Wehle (Psy.D. Clinical Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary) is a Licensed Psychologist and Clinical Addictions Counselor with specializations and certifications in psychological evaluation and assessment. Dr. Wehle served as the Mental Health Director at the Lake County Sheriff’s Department, directing a staff of 30 mental health professions including Psychiatrists, Nurse Practitioners, Psychologists, and other master’s level clinical staff to ensure the safe housing and treatment of a one-thousand capacity jail monitored by the Department of Justice. In his role as Director, Dr. Wehle also evaluated the correctional-facility hiring process used by the Sheriff’s Department and ultimately managed this service line. He continues this specialization in employment-related psychological assessment now, as he works with some of the largest police and public safety agencies in the world consulting on best practices pertaining to police and public safety selection and workforce development. Dr. Wehle is also the co-founder of an outpatient mental health organization with over 50 clinicians who work with a vast array of presenting psychological issues. Areas of professional interest include psychological assessment and treatment, trauma-informed interviewing, addiction, drug and alcohol use, personality disorders, domestic violence, recidivism.

Dr. Ashley Michalski (Psy.D., Clinical Psychology, Adler University) is a Licensed Psychologist and Clinical Addictions Counselor. Dr. Michalski started working in correctional mental health in 2012, where she assisted in program development, risk assessment, crisis management, psychological evaluation and general treatment of inmates housed in this facility. She completed her pre-doctoral training at the Metropolitan Detention Center with the Federal Bureau of Prisons in Los Angeles, California, where she facilitated substance use groups, evaluated inmates in segregated housing, and received extensive forensic training in array of areas, including competency evaluations, risk assessments, review of discovery, interviews with lawyers, and expert testimony techniques. Dr. Michalski trained with the Chicago Police Department completing pre-employment psychological evaluations and continues to conduct them for a variety of public safety departments. Dr. Michalski is also the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Telehealth Services at an outpatient mental health agency with over 60 clinicians who treat individuals with a variety of mental health concerns. Areas of professional interest include addiction, substance use, personality disorders, social media use, and recidivism.

Dr. Jody Ross (Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Houston) is a Professor and Director of the Conflict in Intimate Relationships lab at Purdue University, Fort Wayne. Dr. Ross is recognized as an expert in the areas of interpersonal violence and the intersection between violence and personality disorders. She has published and presented extensively for over 18 years and is well-known in the discipline for her work on intimate partner violence, gender differences in violence perpetration and victimization, sexual aggression, and attachment dysfunction. Dr. Ross’ areas of expertise include sexual assault, partner violence and trauma, victim behavior, personality disorders, memory, and computer-mediated relationship aggression.

Dr. Justin Garcia (Ph.D. Biology, M.S. Anthropology, Binghamton University, SUNY; Postdoctoral Fellowship in Sexology, Indiana University) is Executive Director of The Kinsey Institute, an Endowed Professor of Gender Studies, and an Adjunct Professor of Medicine, at Indiana University, Bloomington. His research focuses on romantic and sexual relationships across the life course, sexual and gender diversity, and sexual attitudes and behaviors. He has co-authored dozens of academic articles and book chapters, and is co-author of Evolution and Human Sexual Behavior (Harvard University Press). His next book is titled The Intimate Animal. An award winning researcher and educator, Dr. Garcia has lent his expertise to a variety of industry partners, serving as a scientific consultant to Teva Pharmaceuticals, K-Y Brand, and since 2010 has been Scientific Advisor to the relationship company Match. Dr. Garcia’s areas of professional interest include sexual attitudes and behaviors, sexual and gender diversity, digital sexuality, online relationships, and complex interpersonal relationships.

Dr. Justin Lehmiller (Ph.D. Social Psychology, Purdue University) is a Research Fellow at The Kinsey Institute, author, award-winning educator, prolific researcher, and scholar who has published more than 50 academic works to date, including a textbook titled The Psychology of Human Sexuality. His research focuses on topics including casual sex, sexual fantasy, and sexual health. His studies have appeared in all of the leading journals on human sexuality, including the Journal of Sex Research, Archives of Sexual Behavior, and The Journal of Sexual Medicine, and he has worked with several major sexual health and wellness brands. Dr. Lehmiller is an expert speaker and has several years of experience as an expert witness and consulting on legal cases (both state and federal) pertaining to sex-related criminal charges. His casework spans several areas of human sexuality, including (but not limited to) consent, pornography, kink/BDSM, online sexual behavior, and sexual offending.

Dr. Mark Whitehill (Hamilton College, ‘76; University of Pittsburgh, M.A., ‘78, Ph.D., ‘86), is a Licensed Psychologist, Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider, and Developmental Disabilities Professional in Washington state. Working in the field of forensic psychology since 1981, Dr. Whitehill’s diverse experiences include: riding patrol with Pittsburgh police to assist in domestic violence calls; developing, implementing, and evaluating sex offender treatment programs in Wisconsin, Alaska, and Washington; conducting a broad range of forensic assessments (e.g., sexual dangerousness, criminal responsibility, fitness-for-duty, parental fitness); and providing expert testimony, as needed, in federal, state, military, and municipal courts. Dr. Whitehill’s areas of professional interest include the melding of clinical judgment along with actuarial tools and measures of structured professional judgment to provide evidence-based recidivism analyses for persons convicted of crimes of sexual and/or physical violence.

Vincent T. Gollogly (Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Union Institute) is a Licensed Psychologist and Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider. Dr. Gollogly has been working in the field of rehabilitation, addictions, domestic violence, and sex offender treatment for over 20 years. He has operated licensed outpatient counseling centers for alcohol and poly-substance dependent clients and was the Clinical Director at a Special Commitment Center, where he was responsible for 25 clinical staff who evaluated and treated sexually violent predators. Dr. Gollogly has undertaken sexually violent predator evaluations and annual reviews of treatment progress of sexually violent predators, and has developed sex offender treatment programs for this population. He was responsible for running sex offender treatment groups and he continues to evaluate clients for sexual dangerousness, need for sexual deviance treatment, and amenability to Washington State’s Special Offender Sentencing Alterative (SSOSA), which allows for community-based treatment and probation supervision as an alternative to long-term confinement. He has conducted psychological evaluations for parental fitness, deferred prosecution for clients with mental health and substance abuse problems, and competency and criminal responsibility assessments. As a Forensic Psychologist, Dr. Gollogly has testified as an expert witness in Federal and Superior Courts.

Dr. Kristen Jozkowski (PhD, Health Behavior, Indiana University) is an endowed Professor in Sexual Health in the Department of Applied Health Science and a Senior Scientist with the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction at Indiana University. Her research has focuses on the ways in which people communicate and interpret sexual consent and sexual refusal. Specifically, she examines socio-cultural and contextual factors that influence consent and refusal communication including gender norms and alcohol intoxication. Additionally, Dr. Jozkowski’s work also focuses on sexual victimization including alcohol-facilitated sexual assault risk factors and other social factors that may contribute to sexual assault. Dr. Jozkowski has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and on these topics and has been sought out as a national and international expert. Her work has been supported by both federal and private agencies such as the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the American Psychological Foundation. Dr. Jozkowski’s areas of professional interest include sexual assault, consent, and sexual communication and the intersection between these and substance use.

Dr. Dan Miller (Ph.D. Social Psychology, Purdue University) is a Professor and Director of the Lab for Social Research at Purdue University, Fort Wayne. He is a recognized expert in the fields of prejudice and social movements. Dr. Miller has published numerous papers related to emotional, cognitive, and political antecedents of prejudice and stereotyping. He is also known for his groundbreaking work on the emotional motivators of protest behavior. Dr. Miller’s areas of professional interest include prejudice, discrimination, social movements or protests (including what drives membership, and action), and hate/extremist groups (including ideological differences between groups).

Dr. Jim Manley (Ph.D. New Mexico State University) is the clinical director of Pacific Psychology Services in Tacoma, WA. He is a licensed Psychologist Clinical Psychologist and Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider. His experience as a forensic expert spans two decades and includes providing expert consultation and testimony in matters involving sexually violent and violent behavior, violent risk analysis, child pornography, parental fitness, and criminal responsibility. Dr. Manley has provided opinions for state superior, family, federal, and military courts. He has published in the areas of psychopathy and parental maltreatment. Areas of professional interest include structured professional judgement recidivism analysis, sexual misconduct, sexual survivors, personality disorders, domestic violence, trauma, and parental capacity.

Dr. Ryan Boyd (Ph.D. Social/Personality Psychology, University of Texas at Austin) is a Professor and world-renowned expert in the fields of psychological language analysis and behavioral analytics. A computational social psychologist by training, he has published extensively on the use of statistical and computational methods for analyzing language to better understand and objectively measure important psychosocial phenomena, such as social and personality processes, health, motivation, and emotion. He is known across disciplines for his groundbreaking work on psychosocial profiling, objectively assessing the “shape” of narrative for interviewing and interrogation, and authorship attribution. Dr. Boyd has considerable forensic experience ranging from characterizing the misinformation operations of foreign states, to predicting recidivism of sex offenders, to working with legal teams to solve questions of authorship.

Dr. Ethan Schwab (Ph.D. Marriage and Family Therapy, Florida State University) is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Sex Therapist, Adjunct Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy at Seattle University, and previously served on the board of the Washington Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. His clinical specialties include the integration and treatment of atypical sexual behaviors, the treatment of sexual disorders, and their impact on interpersonal relationships. Dr. Schwab’s areas of professional interest include kinks, fetishes, and other atypical sexual behaviors.

Dr. Kimberly Temple Harvey (Ph.D. Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University) is a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology and Licensed Psychological Associate. She also holds Principal Certification and Special Education Teacher Certification. Dr. Harvey’s experience has been in public education where she has served for over 25 years. Her experience in public education includes working as a Specialist in School Psychology and as Director of Special Education. Dr. Harvey’s areas of professional interest include working with students with emotional and behavioral concerns, completing and interpreting psychological data and reports, and consulting with members of the school community. Her competency is also in special education and 504 compliances for individuals with disabilities. She establishes educational systems and programs for students with disabilities, ensures legal requirements are met, and supervises personnel. Research interest involves the academic achievement of students with emotional or behavioral disorders. Dr. Harvey has presented at multiple national, state, and local conferences and has provided extensive training to educators.

Dr. Chris Rebholz (Psy.D., Antioch University – Seattle) is a Licensed Psychologist and Affiliate Sex Offender Treatment Provider in Washington state. She specializes in forensic matters of people with developmental disabilities, particularly autism. Her experiences include conducting competency evaluations, working on murder and sex offense criminal defense teams, performing parenting evaluations, and creating ADA workplace accommodation specifications. Dr. Rebholz teaches continuing legal education on matters of autism and family law, employment law, and criminal law. She also leads neurodiversity training for corporations and is trained to use actuarial tools to provide evidence-based recidivism analyses for people convicted of crimes of sexual and/or physical violence.

Dr. Rachel Tambling (Ph.D., Child and Family Development, University of Georgia) is a Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences at the University of Connecticut, a licensed marital and family therapist, and a Clinical Fellow of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Dr. Tambling is a mental health researcher, trainer, and speaker in behavioral health, including health equity, and the ways in which social determinants of health impact mental health and substance use treatment services help-seeking, utilization, and reimbursement. Dr. Tambling’s research is focused on topics related to mental health, including health literacy, help-seeking, stigma, and behavioral health education.

Dr. Robert E. Cohen (Psy.D., Clinical Neuropsychologist, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology) is a board-certified psychologist and a Major in the Army National Guard (as a Behavioral Health Officer). He specializes in the evaluation of adults and geriatric patients in clinical, rehabilitation, and forensic settings. Dr. Cohen’s background includes neuropsychological evaluation of veterans and treatment of PTSD, as well as rehabilitative neuropsychology and health psychology, and he regularly performs neuropsychological assessments for military members. Dr. Cohen pioneered and served as Director of a new neuropsychology service line at Orlando Health, and became the lead of the neuropsychology department at Compass Research/Bioclinica. Dr. Cohen has served as an expert neuropsychologist witness in both criminal and civil litigation cases, for both plaintiff and defense, and has served as the Expert Medical Advisor (EMA) for two judges. He specializes in the evaluation of traumatic brain injury/concussion, stroke, hypoxemia, dementia, PTSD, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, epilepsy, and other neurologic and psychiatric disorders.

Dr. Maria Ioannou (Ph.D., Psychology, University of Liverpool) is a Professor of Investigative and Forensic Psychology, Director for two postgraduate courses: MSc Investigative Psychology and MSc Security Science, and previous Director of the Secure Societies Institute at the University of Huddersfield, UK. She is a Chartered Forensic Psychologist (BPS), Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), Registered Psychologist, Chartered Scientist (BPS), Chartered Manager (Chartered Management Institute), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and a board member of the Institute on Crime and Criminal Justice Policy, European Public Law Organisation (EPLO). Dr. Ioannou has considerable experience in exploring offender and victim profiles and has been involved in the assessment and development of intervention programs for reducing/preventing crime for a range of different forms of criminality, groups of offenders, and ‘at risk’ individuals as well as impact delivery. She has delivered a variety of courses to professionals as well as applied research, case reports, and consultancy projects to police, government authorities, intervention agencies, and other public bodies and has contributed to various legal cases.

Dr. Calli Tzani (Ph.D., Psychology, University of Huddersfield) is a senior lecturer of Investigative and Forensic Psychology, the Deputy Director of the Applied Criminology and Policing Centre of the University of Huddersfield (England), and the Forensic Editor of the ADM journal of the British Psychological Society. Dr Tzani is a Chartered Forensic Psychologist (BPS), Chartered Scientist (BPS), board member of the Institute on Crime and Criminal Justice Policy, European Public Law Organisation, and a Fellow of the NLP International Society. Dr Tzani has experience in areas such as Violent Acquisitive and Sexual Crime, Clinical Forensic Psychology, Terrorism and Conflict Resolution, with multiple scientific publications internationally. Dr Tzani’s work has been featured in various news outlets such as The Conversation, BBC, The Independent, The Examiner, New Zealand Herald, Daily Mail, and World News. Dr Tzani’s expertise is inclusive of many areas related to psychology and criminology, such as domestic abuse, harassment, stalking, violent and sexual crime, school bullying, cyberbullying, cyber-fraud, cybercrime, sextortion, terrorism, and wellbeing.

Kimberly W. O’Connor, (B.A. Purdue University, J.D. Loyola University School of Law – New Orleans) is an Associate Professor and the Director of Graduate Studies in Organizational Leadership at Purdue University Fort Wayne. She is an attorney, licensed to practice law in Indiana. She has published multiple journal articles and book chapters in her research areas, which include social media and the law, cybersecurity, employment law, and data privacy. She has served as a consultant for K-12 digital safety matters, as well as for social media-related matters in organizations. Professor O’Connor’s areas of professional interest include personal social media use by public or private sector employees including: 1) K-12 teachers, administrators, or students; 2) University faculty, staff, students, or student athletes; 3) At-will, governmental, or union employees.

Dr. Brian Temple (M.D., Pediatrics, University College Dublin and Residency at Baylor College of Medicine) is a board-certified pediatrician, practicing physician at Texas Children’s Beansprout Pediatrics, an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Dell Medical Center/University of Texas at Austin, and volunteer physician for various charitable foundations. Dr. Temple completed an externship with the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in NYC and assisted with 2-3 autopsies daily after the 9/11 attacks. He was also part of the Sexual Assault Exam (SAE) Response Team, responsible for assisting with and performing SAEs presenting in the ER. Finally, Dr. Temple was recognized as Austin’s Best Pediatrician by the Austin-American Statesman in 2018.
Forensic Nurse Examiner

Letty Sprinkle (RN BSN, SANE-A, SANE-P, Intimate Partner Nurse Examiner [IPVNE]) is a registered nurse (BSN) with 39 years of professional nursing experience, adjunct clinical instructor for the Texas A&M HSC Forensic Nursing Program, adjunct clinical instructor at the DoD Inter-service Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examiner (SAMFE) Course located at the U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School, and expert consultant for Texas A&M’s TeleSANE Program funded by The Office of The Attorney General of Texas A retiree from the Dept. of Defense after 35 years, Ms. Sprinkle received extensive training and facilitated countless trainings in the areas of Medical Forensic Examination of patients seeking healthcare after experiencing Sexual Assault, Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Child Sexual Abuse, and Non- Fatal Strangulation. She also teaches Forensic Photography and Human Trafficking. Ms. Sprinkle performed over 800 medical forensic exams on pediatric, adolescent, and adult populations, male and female exams, victims and suspects, civilians, military families and veterans. Ms. Sprinkle has rendered expert consultation and testimony on over 80 Court proceedings for she offers consultation and expert testimony on Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Assault examinations, Strangulation expert consultation, medical records review, local hospital forensic medical management policies and procedures, identification of adherence to and deviations from the applicable medical Standards of Care, conduct medical and nursing literature searches and interview plaintiff and defense clients, witnesses, and experts.

Dr. Jason Cannon (Ph.D., Toxicology, University of Michigan) is a Professor of Toxicology at Purdue University. He directs the Graduate Program in Toxicology and is the faculty Head of the Purdue University Interdisciplinary Life Science Program (PULSe). Dr. Cannon is internationally recognized in the field of neurotoxicology. He is an expert on how toxic exposures adversely affect the nervous system. Dr. Cannon teaches the following subjects: general toxicology, analytical toxicology (quantification of drugs of abuse, environmental and industrial toxicants), biochemical toxicology (mechanisms of toxic action) toxicologic pathology, neurotoxicology, neurodegeneration. Dr. Cannon conducts research on how toxic exposures impact neurologic function and may influence the onset and progression of neurological diseases. Dr. Cannon regularly provides scientific expertise on toxicology and neurodegeneration to government, nonprofit, industry, and legal sectors.

Ashley Potts (BS, Communications, Ohio University) is the Chief People Officer for FP Consultants. Ms. Potts manages communications, day-to-day operations, human resources, and marketing for the team of experts. She also assists with billing, contracting, and scheduling needs. Prior to joining FP Consultants, Ms. Potts worked in the financial services industry for 15 years, specializing in relationship management, training, and customer service. Her work in the financial world translates well to the world of legal services as she uses her customer service and relationship management skills when communicating with your hardworking legal team. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Ms. Potts with any questions related to FP Consultants – she’s always happy to help!

Holly Leininger is the Billing and Compliance Manager for FP Consultants, making her the go-to for all things related to case payments. Before joining FP Consultants, Holly worked in hospitality and the retail trade industry and she currently runs her own residential cleaning business. Holly’s experience with maintaining records, handling invoices/payments, and working in customer service, along with her attention to detail and ability to multitask while keeping a positive demeanor, will ensure a pleasant experience when working with her as she navigates the follow-up and follow-through on case payments.